Holy Monastery of the Resurrection of Christ - Loutraki

The history of the Holy Monastery of the Resurrection of the Christ begins in 1930, when it was founded as a communal monastery by dedicated nuns. The Monastery was named after the icon of the Resurrection of Christ, which was a heirloom of monk Ignatios Pentarakis from Crete. Ignatios Pentarakis served as an abbot of the monks, while the Blessed Kalliniki Varela from Aharnes of Attica served as an abbot of the nuns. In 1955 the Monastery was officialy recognized by a royal decree as a Holy Communal Monastery, belonging to the Holy Metropolis of Korinthos. However, over the next few years, the Monastery met its decline, since it remained almost deserted, the abbot Varela being its only resident until she was deceased in 1975. From 1975 until 1990, the Monastery operated as a female Monastery, while in 1990 it was converted to a male one in an effort of revival. Indeed, the Monastery operated again successfully and the monks are being distinguished for their ethos and the ascetical way of living.

Nowadays, the building complex of the Monastery is under construction and includes the inner chappel of «Epouranies Dynameis». Other chapels of the Monastery are the one dedicated to the «Annunciation of Theotokos (Virgin Mary)» and to «Saint Fanourios». The Monastery celebrates on Easter day, and also honours the memory of Saint Eufemia on the 16th of September, being the day of the opening of the Katholikon in 1990 and also the day that the Monastery was introduced as a male one.

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Εκλεκτό Χειροποίητο...

Εκλεκτό Χειροποίητο Μοσχοθυμίαμα | Ι. Μ. Αναστάσεως του Χριστού

Μοναστηριακό θυμίαμα σε μεγάλη ποικιλία αρωμάτων. Φτιάχνεται στην Ιερά Μονή Αναστάσεως του Χριστού. Αποτελεί χειροποίητο προϊόν, ανώτερης ποιότητας, βασισμένο σε μια από τις παλαιότερες συνταγές, με καθεαυτού πρώτη υλη Βασιλικό δάκρυ και αιθέρια έλαια λιβανοποιίας. 

Διατίθεται σε 2 συσκευασίες : 18 g | 30 g

Price €9.50
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