Αγιορείτικη Καρβουνόσκονη | Ι.Κ. Αγίου Νικολάου Ιβήρων
Αποτελεί αυθεντικό αγιορείτικο προϊόν, 100% φυσικό. Είναι παραδοσιακή λεπτή καρβουνόσκονη για θυμιάτισμα σε ιερούς ναούς, εικόνες και οικιακή χρήση.
Καθαρό Βάρος: 60 g
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Between the Stavroniketa Monastery and the Monastery of Filotheou, lies the Iveron Monastery, which was founded at the end of the 10th century by the Iverian Ioannis, after whose homeland it was named. The history of the Monastery is particularly complicated, including several disasters caused by pirates; the attack of the Franks in 1259 stands out. In the beginning of the 15th century, the Monastery faced major financial hardships. However, it managed to overcome the problems by the very ending of the same century. When the Monastery was recovered, it was inhabited by a large number of Greek monks, acquiring thus its Greek subsistence. Over the following decades, Georgian and Romanian sovereigns supported the Monastery, as well as a number of Ecumenical Patriarchs, reaching, therefore, in the 18th century a new period of prosperity. However, the tribulations were not over yet... In 1865, the Monastery was completely burnt. The only buildings survived were the Katholikon (the primary church) and the Library. Later, the renovation of the Monastery marked the new, prosperous, era of the Monastery. Furthermore, the Iveron Monastery played a key-role in the Greek Revolution of 1821.
The Monastery of Iveron is an impressive complex of considerable size, built by the characteristical traditional Athonite architecture. In the northern side, lies the entrance with the diavatiko (the pylon in the entrance). On the eastern side of the yard, lies the Katholikon (the primary church), and on the opposite side, the belfry, followed by the Refectory (Trapeza) and the Library building. The wings of the Monastery are formed in an imposing quadrilateral shape. Along, one can find the various areas of the Monastery, such as: the cells of the monks, the administrative offices, the tower, the archontariki (the reception area for the pilgrims), the sacristy, which keeps golden and silver liturgical vessels, priest costumes, and Russian artifacts, the ikonofylakion (the place where the icons are kept), and also other, auxiliary spaces.
The Monastery of Iveron became communal by the sigillum of the Ecumenical Patriarch Demetrios the First and is inhabited by 62 monks (as from 2001). The Monastery has 16 chapels, relics of 165 Saints, as well as parts of the instruments, which were used for the Crucifixion of the Christ. The Monastery proudly holds some remarkable monuments, such as the miraculous icon of Panagia Portaitissa, which is located in the homonym chapel, and which, tradition says, came to the Monastery by itself via the sea. Also, noteworthy are the frescoes of the Monastery, which depict eminent wise men and kings of ancient times. In the yard of the Monastery lies the chapel of Timios Prodromos, which is built on the former Katholikon of the Klimentos Monastery. In the north of the Iveron Monastery, lies its Cemetery and the church honours Saint Athanasios, Patriarch of Alexandria. The Monastery ranks third in the Athonian monasteries and celebrates on the 15th of August.
Αποτελεί αυθεντικό αγιορείτικο προϊόν, 100% φυσικό. Είναι παραδοσιακή λεπτή καρβουνόσκονη για θυμιάτισμα σε ιερούς ναούς, εικόνες και οικιακή χρήση.
Καθαρό Βάρος: 60 g
Αποτελεί αυθεντικό μοναστηριακό προϊόν εξαιρετικής ποιότητας. Περιέχει μόνο φυσικά σάκχαρα και καθόλου συντηρητικά ή θειώδη. Διαθέτει έντονη γλυκιά γεύση και χαμηλό αλκοολικό βαθμό, ώστε να μη ζαλίζει τους πιστούς και τους ιερείς.
Καθαρό Βάρος: 200 ml
Είναι αυθεντικό μοναστηριακό προϊόν. Περιέχει βιολογικές ντομάτες και αγνά φυσικά συστατικά. Διαθέτει υπέροχη γεύση και συνοδεύει τέλεια τα πιάτα σας, φέρνοντας άρωμα Μεσογείου.
Καθαρό Βάρος: 750 g
Μία εξαιρετικής ποιότητας κασετίνα που περιέχει 15 επιλεγμένα αρώματα από τους πατέρες της Μονής Ιβήρων. Αποτελεί χειροποίητο προϊόν ανώτερης ποιότητας, από δάκρυ και εκλεκτά αρώματα λιβανοποιίας, φτιαγμένο με τον κλασικό παραδοσιακό τρόπο, χωρίς προσμίξεις.
Καθαρό Βάρος: 300 g
Ένα εξαιρετικής ποιότητας αγιορείτικο εργόχειρο από τους μοναχούς του Ιερού Κελιού. Αποτελείται από δάκρυ και έλαια λιβανοποιίας. Ζυμώνεται στο χέρι, χωρίς τη βοήθεια μηχανικών μεθόδων και περνά στη διαδικασία της ξήρανσης. Καίγεται ομοιόμορφα, χωρίς να καπνίζει και ευωδιάζει καθ’ όλη τη διάρκεια καύσης του. Διατίθεται σε μεγάλη ποικιλία ξεχωριστών αρωμάτων.
Καθαρό Βάρος: 50 g