In one of the most beautiful sites of Athos, next to New Skete, one reaches the impressive panorama Skete of Aghia (Saint) Anna. The scenery is breathtaking and idyllic, presenting particularly dense vegetation. In this scenery, the Caves pop out on the north and on the south sides of a deep ravine; it seems like they have been placed there by an enchanting, mysterious way. In this natural oasis, like a fairytale picture, lies the church of the Cave of Kartsonaion, also known as the Holy Cell of Saint George of Kartsonaion.
The exquisite building of the church was designed by artchitect Pavlos Mylonas, who is well known for his work in Mount Athos. The monk Gabriel Kartsonas the Spiritual Father (1876-1956), who came from Arfara of Messinia and who was a great iconographer (student of the famous Theophilaion family), was the founder of the Brotherhood of Kartsonaion. The monk Gabriel Kartsonas was followed by his three, younger brothers, who all lived in the Skete. In a few years, the Kartsonaion Brotherhood became specifically reputable to the Orthodox community. From the younger ones in the Kartsonaion Brotherhood, two chanters were particularly famous among the Christians: Dionysios, who was deceased in 1959 and Panteleimon, who was deceased in 1992.
The founder of the Brotherhood, Elder Father Gabriel Kartsonas, was the offspring of the historical and famous family Kartsona. Elder Gabriel was particularly educated and cultured; Before arriving to the Skete of Agia Anna in Mount Athos in 1896, where he was deceased in 1956, he had already completed his general studies with distinction, followed by studies at the School of Arts at the National Technical University, where his ethos, talent and special capabilies were distinguished. His talent in portrait making of eminent persons is remarkable and is being referred in several sources; many of his works are found today in art galleries abroad. Moreover, the icons he has painted as an iconographer adorn many Greek and foreign churches.