Κρεμαστό καντήλι πορσελάνης με μικρή κούπα, φιλοτεχνημένο με την τεχνική του μαρμάρου σε γήινες αποχρώσεις του σομόν και της ώχρας. Διακοσμημένο με χρυσό 24 καρατίων.
In our store you will find a wide variety of vigil-lamps at affordable prices and incomparable quality. We have bronze, ceramic, aluminum, porcelain, fusing & blown vigil-lamps, as well as vigil-lamp cups. Every house must have the flame of faith, that is, a lighted vigil-lamp. All vigil-lamps are fireproof, due to their construction materials. They do not easily tarnish, while they are simply and quickly cleaned. You can choose from a wide range of designs or contact with us to let you know about the availability in more designs and colors.
Handmade hanging vigil-lamps in a wide range of designs, made according to Byzantine culture and Orthodox tradition. Bronze, porcelain, blown, fusing and wooden vigil-lamps are some of the categories we have in a variety of colors. They are easy to place and clean. They do not tarnish, due to the fireproof construction materials.
While shopping, don’t forget to look for practical accessories, such as vigil-lamp cups, vigil-lamp holders and glass chimney spare parts for oil lamps. You can contact with us to help you choose the right accessory for each product. The construction materials are durable. Available in many shapes and colors.